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()^$^#^^^%& Gearbox

Started by Hillman kid, April 12, 2011, 07:19:49 PM

Hillman kid


I recently had a topic about a squeaky thrust bearing and i thought i had this solved for the third bearing lucky. But no. I replaced it with a new bearing this time around rather than cleaning up the old one and it was good for a month again, then shit, my gearbox is screaming at me, AGAIN >:(

what could the problem be!? I am really over dropping the gearbox every time this happens.



does it squeak all the time? just when clutch is engaged? just when disengaged?


Could be a dry or worn out spigot bearing?

Hillman kid

as the the clutch is released mainly. But sometimes randomly starts squealing so i have to let the clutch out in neutral.
if the thrust bearing isn't the problem then there must be something i do every time i take the gearbox out because each time it happens about a month after putting it back in


'could' be the spiggot bearing, its worth putting a new one in when you have the box off next (avengerparts sells them for about $8 bucks if my mind serve me correct)

Hillman kid

So what explains the one month gaps between dropping the box?


Stumped haha. It might be that something is misaligned or bentso that there is strain on the release bearing causing it to give out after a month or so. Just replace everything and hope for the best perhaps? Newclutch plate,pressure plate, spigot bearing, release bearing shouldn't cost much more than a handy.from my experience, the only way to fix somethings are by trial and error

Hillman kid

Maybe it's a sign to convert to a 5 speed. I think so


yeh, that was my next explanation


haha speaking of gearboxes and 5 speed conversions, you are welcome to my old 4 speed once I get my 5 speed Sierra gearbox of doom installed.

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography



When I get round to it  ;D Geez what's with all the hassling? ??? :D

It will probably be after I do the diesel alternator so I have decent boost on my brakes. At the moment I have my seats away being reupholstered along with my dash and rear parcel tray which I hope to have done by OS Nats.

I don't like to have too many projects on the go at once or else they never get finished. I have just finished off the engine and MSD so I wanted to switch it up with a bit of interior work before going back to mechanical then after that move on to the body.

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography


Will your seats we ready for Saturday Richard...otherwise we can pile into Scarlett!!!


Nah no chance the seats will be ready for saturday so I'm rocking the low backs at the moment!!

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography

Hillman kid