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Wanted: Big chain block

Started by blekkja, January 06, 2016, 11:23:56 PM


Because if the toy doesn't go harder than your new Japanese shopping basket then what's the point?

Keen for something that I can slowly build up to something fearsome. Or if anybody has something they prepared earlier then I could be interested. No real rush. I'm in Hamilton if that helps - more than happy to come up to Auckland or anywhere close.
Chill Datto, bro!


what do you want?

Block & tackle

Big Block Chevy?

or just a 1600 with a High compression 1500 Head


Some iceblocks. Is hot here today.

Yeah just a solid 1500 or 1600 avenger block. Stock, tweaked, complete or just the basics. Guess I'm open to anything. I'm looking a little longer term here - will continue to smash around with my current 1500 but when that finally dies I want to have a replacement.
Chill Datto, bro!


twin chain block? heh catching your drift