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Avengers for sale around the world...

Started by oldschool, March 03, 2011, 10:09:37 PM


This 1600 Hillman wagon looks much better value...seller reckons it's the last one of the road...making it rarer than a tiger?!


Here's another wagon on eBay...this time a Chrysler GLS...wish we'd got them in that roof rack!!


Must have been a option as there was a Chrysler GLS wagon here in napier about 10 years ago, in bright yellow, have no clue where it went


Maybe a UK import Aaron? Lots of GL's and GLS's imported as NZ production couldn't keep up with demand!


Yep a few good ones a few bad. The 1970 1250 Super is still for sale, recession?

As for the 2-door near myself, well... lets just say there is no law in them thar hills.

I'm going to see if I can get a '79 1.6 GL started for the man with the orange '75 1600 DL I was talking about. He has been restoring his 2nd Avenger for his boy and the last I seen of the 79 Chrysler it was without its sills and the rest of it looking well.
As far as I know he is trying to start an electronic unit without the ballast resistors and with a points type 3ohm coil. I'll know more about it when I see it.
From a little bit of reading I see that you need a 1.5ohm coil with 0.5ohm ballast AND a 5ohm ballast fed when starting to boost excite the coil when cranking.

''.. The new Chrysler Sunbeam..the only little car that starts like a Rolls-Royce..''
I assume that was referring to the starting or auxilliary starting circuit used in the Chrysler systems.

Then small print in the advert ''..due to on-going industrial actions car provided may be fitted with conventional..''

Anyhow I'll set up a points distributor for David, assuming he doesn't have the ballast and the right coil, and time her by ear - 30mph top gear, floor it and listen for the pinking. With the powerspark and suitable coil in the 1300 I set the timing that way and all seems well, goes up steep hills (even with an impressed passinger on board) in top.
That is not at all an excuse to get driving a MK2 1600 - honest! Starting to warm to MK 2's just a pity about the Chrysler badge! Dunno why that annoys me!

I finished up the Dublin project last Friday so the 1300 has being getting driven a lot this last few days, apart from some sort of sqeak coming from somewhere behind the dashboard which i think is maybe the wipermotor mount, it is going like a wee bomb with the strong spark and the SU carbie (with bicycle chain oil in the damper) still is fast idiling a little spluttery which I think is air getting in somewhere.

As for work, probabbly Portugal, maybe I'll see a Sunbeam Avenger?!

Abroad and thinkin' of avenger


Here's a nice blue 1600 auto for sale in Donegal...Irish Avengers seem to last better than mainland ones?!


Tigers seem to be around here and there.

A Tiger1 at ?11k, probabbly not far what they are worth in reality.

A '76 round headlight 2-Door Super has been re-registred in Ireland '76 C 1068' being Co Cork, a MK2 in the background and what looks like a Sunbeam Lotus beside it.

And that MK2 GLS note the tinted glass.

Recession is biting by the looks of things.

Abroad and thinkin' of avenger


I see that Tiger sold for 7350 pounds less than a year ago on eBay...buyer's trying to make a quick profit!!


Ah right, a speculator. Where is the lotto win when you need it! Tiger1 was based on the Super trim level and the Tiger2 on the GL, hence the square and round headlamp diffrence.

Close to here there was a Tiger sitting in a scrapyard around about 1982, it could have been gotten for about ?40.00! An old farmer had it and didn't know what he had! You'd think the dirty great spoiler on the back and the bucket steats as well as '' jayze..thon is wan quick Avenger so..'' would have made anyone think twice about just junking it, but at the time I suppose..

I can only guess that because of the high crt of the Tiger the engine would need rebuilt every 20-30,000 miles or so and farmers not changing the oil put that Tiger to sleep.

No joke BTW a mechanic told me about it, ?40 in 1982!
In the same scrapyard around about 1990 I was climbing over  MK1 2-door which looked to be in reasonable shape - Dammit!
Abroad and thinkin' of avenger


A Gaslight 1500 GLS. Looks rusty and maybe a project for someone. Has the AC clocks BTW there was an AC 100mph speedo fitted to the early GL model, I have one.

I see the master cyl' has been replaced with a cheap moprod CI cylinder, I thought the GLS had a dual circuit system. Dunno really.
All I do know is that MK1 cylinders are in demand.
Abroad and thinkin' of avenger




Seen the yellow '75 1600DL with the rigidity destroying hole in it before. The price has dropped I see and someone has put a BL choke cable into it! Grrrrrr!!!
The vinyl roof is likely hiding a lot of filler I'd guess.
Its worth about ?1,500 - ?1,800 and eventually It'll find a home.
Note also the streaks running down the tranny tunnel. Its been sprayed in that shop.

Oh well, for half the money you could have this! Wow just look at that dashboard, it would give ye a headache looking at it! Ohohoh! But but it has an A+ engine! Yeh that'll rune nice untill it runs lean at high rpm and bates' a crack between the pots!
Oh has the HIF carbie as well, modified to take the may-raina filter, that is gonna ... aw well just take her handy, Morris Minors don't do corners.

I remember the inside door handles on Marinas, Maxis and 1800's had those mouse trap finger snappers. Used to hate having to operate the inside lock, (oh no..ouch!!!..)

I haven't seen a Marina in years, or the even worse Ital.

Sheesh look at the back of them! Friggin retarded!
Aha! Caught! That Marina2 tail lights with the built in reversing lights, making them look even worse!

Yeh, ?1,200 for the yella rose of DL there would be a lot better for your love-life, and your sanity, and your health and...

Abroad and thinkin' of avenger


A very good condition Dodge Polara. I see they had a centre mounted cabin lamp.
A SU HS4 carbie or is that a HS6, and the earlier type strut mounts. Odd looking vacum advance, looks like a Lucas and I could of course be wrong.

Somebody really loved that Polara. Lets hope a drug-dealer with pimp my ride ideas does not get it!
Abroad and thinkin' of avenger