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Started by Scarlet, October 13, 2012, 09:17:18 PM


Back to the brakes, these are the same blue callipers that have been rebuilt using new pistons and seals, I bought the rebuild kit off eBay, the cost including freight from UK was about $98.
I had to relieve a bit of metal on the calliper on both sides to clear my wheels as the original steel wheels overlap where they join together ,I filed the casting marks back into the smooth areas so it didn't look so obvious.


These are OEM +030" pistons, which will give a capacity of 1626 cc.
Something I learnt since I bought these.....they are made by IPMC which stands for Iran Piston Manufacturing Company.
As best as I can understand according to Google ,Iran produced a Paykan (Hillman Hunter) which used the Hunter or Avenger engine and later on a Peugeot 504 engine, production ended in 2005 , manufacture of these engines was also done in Iran.
These weigh 40 grams less than the original design pistons including pins, the pins will also be lightened further.
I bought the mini scale to balance the weights once I get the pins lightened, they weigh as little as 0.1 gram and have a maximum weight of 2kg and are very cheap.


Magnecor Competition 8.5mm spark plug leads, only available in red and are not available for a Hillman Avenger, however they are available for a Sunbeam Ti which has the same engine, also comes in a very impressive gift quality box which will get thrown in the bin


I fitted a set of the Magnecor leads on my car Steve. Expensive but worth the money I think, especially if your running electron ignition.


Cheers Gary yes I have read good reviews, I compared the price with other quality leads in NZ and they are competitive even with freight from the UK. The plan is to use them with the multi spark I made.


What is the deal and the plans for your engine?


I bought three sets of new double valve springs as it will give me the option to bin the three weakest springs when I do my rebuild, although it is only a 1600 Super Scarlet left the factory with twin valve springs.
Paint code on the springs is a blue/purple if anyone is wondering
Hi Gary engine will be twin Stromberg fast road spec.


Given the hybrid nature of Scarlets mechanical specifications it is quite possible that the engine left the factory with a TC camshaft but in case it is not I bought this nos TC camshaft, part number 71268712 and it is still covered in 40 year old grease, the box also had not previously been opened. The green paint on the right just visible under the grease was to identify the cam as a TC camshaft to the assembly workers
These cams are still regarded as the best choice for fast road. I have seen David Vizard dyno specs of a 1500 Tiger spec engine (using Dellortos) giving 97 bhp "at the rear wheels" using these cams.
Duration is 302 deg ,valve lift is 0.430"
Mum cat partly photobombing again as seen in several other photos


When I started to work on the twin carb conversion I overlooked the fuel inlet were fed in from the opposite sides,  I had two early adjustable carbs that were fed in from the right side, although it is simple enough to re-route a fuel line. I then tried to convert the later model twin carbs to take the earlier adjustable jets only to discover the later carbs were machined differently inside.
I managed to score this nos early carb set up, it also means the throttle shafts have zero wear and none of the screws are chewed out, for now I will just clean and rebuild them just to get then running


Spent the evening sorting through four rocker sets or thirty two rocker arms, I measured the distance from the hole to the adjustment screw, of the ones I had the variation was between 18.48-19.04 mm  from this lot I was able to select four between 18.95-18.98 mm for the IN and four between 18.95-19.04 for the EX.
All four rocker shafts had some wear on the bottom but the one with the least wear was one that was sitting on the front seat of an Avenger at Smash Palace.


A few posts back I said the IPMC pistons weigh 40 grams less than the original design pistons, I got that information from the sellers site, since then I have acquired an original Heoplite set with a set of rods I bought, they are actually 65 grams less which is even better.
Comparing them side by side shows where the weight saving is made ,a big saving is also made from the shorter heavy steel pin in the newer piston.
Oh and an extra benefit ,I gain 26cc


Spent a few hours lightening the rocker arms, the weight was only removed from the pad end which consisted of rounding the squarish ends.
I sorted through my stash of forty one push rods and picked out nineteen that I was happy with, of that nineteen I weighed them to get the final eight. The variation was between 54.0-55.9 grams, the eight were between 54.0-55.5 grams.


I have started to rebuild the twin carbs, even though these are n.o.s there is a lot of this white powdery substance inside them, possibly some sort of aluminium oxidization? a Google search to see what the best "do it yourself" way to deal with them, they say to soak them in white vinegar, so I buy a 2lt of white vinegar and fill an ice cream container and put the parts in,they cleaned up well but you will notice it turns the aluminium grey


These are the inlet manifolds, both are DD1 manifolds but you can see the casting differences in the ports, top one has a 2mm step just after the machining where as the bottom one never had the step. since I had already matched the bottom one to the gasket some time ago I will use that one


Of the four sets of rocker shafts I had they all had wear on the bottom of the shaft, one was minor which I was going to use but I decided to get a n.o.s as they are quite cheap, here it still has the forty year old protective grease on it.
I rebuilt a second one as a good spare using the best old shaft and the remaining second best rockers, of the sixteen rockers that I put aside to build the two rocker assemblies, five did not have blocked oil galleries. The crud was hard and dry I had to twist a drill bit with my fingers to clean them out. The workshop manual says the shaft will only wear if the oil galleries are blocked!