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My Avenger for sale

Started by 1300super, January 20, 2012, 12:33:35 PM


Hey guys as you know my Avengers for sale.... Ive recently taken on two more projects in the form of a 1977 TL125 Trails bike & a MX73 Cressida, so the Avenger has to go. I'd really like it to go to a member of the forum as I'd hate to see it get "bastardised" by some boy racer. So im offering it to forum members for $3000. I can assist with shipping etc. Id even consider doing trades/deals for other cars you may have. See it here: As you may notice its $1 reserve but Im not going to let it go stupidly cheap.


if it gets a stupidly low bid dont you have to accept it according to trademe rules?
Li'l Blu


you could do a wee plug for the avenger forum in your auction?
Li'l Blu


What what what!!!! $1 reserve, are you crazy?

be interesting to see what it goes for in this market. Avengers haven't been selling well lately from what I have seen.

Dave, go buy it off Sam. He is close to you so shipping will be cheap ;)

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography


Trademe can get stuffed ive already said "i reserve the right to withdraw as advertised elseware". I'll withdraw it if its not looking promising or somebody makes me a offer that i cant refuse.


ahh i see. damn, there was a guy that came up to me this morning and asked of he could buy mine, i could have told him to buy yours but i didnt know how cheap it was when this happened
Li'l Blu


basically if it doesnt get to $3000 ill pull the plug on the auction


does it still have the option of withdrawing it, even if there are people bidding on it? i guess just prepared for shitty people who dont meet your 3k requirement

"By making a bid, you warrant and represent that you have the legal right to enter into and complete the transaction"

Li'l Blu


Yep it does. Ive withdrawn several $1 reserve auctions on several trademe accounts. people can get shitty i dont mind. the reason I put it on for $1 is I was sick of having 250ish watchers and no bidders.


I've noticed that car auctions with photos of women in them hardly ever sell...
You'll get lots of views...mostly from voyeurs checking out your missus and making lame ass comments...which takes the attention off your car and turns the auction into a forum!


Pretty much exactly what happened.


"as we say in the Avenger club "if theres no oil under it, theres no oil in it!!" haha nice

Yep wen it rains hard you get a wet right foot.
this happens to me also
Li'l Blu


Quote from: kierbear on January 22, 2012, 07:10:59 PM
"as we say in the Avenger club "if theres no oil under it, theres no oil in it!!" haha nice

Yep wen it rains hard you get a wet right foot.
this happens to me also

Happens to me also. I think it is a factory leak with Avengers. Leaks in the brake booster or clutch cable.

1975 Hillman Avenger 1300 Super, 1972 Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, 1980 Chrysler Avenger 1.3GL
RPM Photography


Hillman did a lot of work to make the Avenger oil tight...after receiving so much criticism over the Minx and Hunter which pissed oil
The Avenger has modern neoprene oil seals, so if yours is leaking, it's a fault which is usually pretty easy to fix.
Common oil leaks areas are the rocker cover gasket (the cork breaks down from heat over time) timing cover oil seal and gearbox tail shaft oil seal, all straight forward to replace.
Occasionally the rear crankshaft seal can leak too, a bit more involved to fix, requiring the gearbox and flywheel to be removed.
Oil can also leak from broken steering rack rubber boots.
Water leaks can be a bit trickier to track down....
Windscreens rubbers get a lot of the blame, but are often not the cause of leaks, as the plastic strip insert was designed to lock the rubber in place, making it watertight without requiring sealant.
Easy to see if your windscreen is leaking - just get someone to play a hose on it and watch for water running down the  corners of windscreen frame on the inside.
The same hose trick can be used to check the door seals...which are by far the most common source of leaks!
The Avenger was assembled in the days before robots, making the gaps variable, so the door rubbers need to be perfect to stop leaks.
I recently got new DPN door rubbers from Reid & Twiname in Auckland at $10.60 per metre, much cheaper than Para at $18 per metre. Makes a difference when each front door uses 3.4 metres!
Regarding water dripping on feet...that can be caused by a leaking heater/heater tap/elbow hose under the dash and dislodged firewall rubber grommets.
Unlikely to come from the brake booster, clutch cable and accelerator pedal mounts as they're away from the under bonnet water channels.
Another cause of water on the feet are leaking washer pump hoses...they're easily pinched when the lower steering column shroud is refitted and they start leaking.
If all else fails fit some big rubber mats to catch any water...!!


can pretty much rule out mine as a windscreen error lol. i replaced my rocker cover gasket and it still leaked oil, i just put it down to that the old cork gaskets are shit.
Li'l Blu