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Jokers evolving Rally Avenger

Started by JoKer, January 14, 2011, 08:23:51 PM


Drove it hm from Shop today :P

did a happy dance!

needs exhaust and that bent right rear arm sorted before next event : have paid for a spot @ Taup for a trackday in September



and yes : its stuck there for now LOL (very wet under foot)

might get motivated now and whip round the whole car with a lick of something (I told them to leave the vinyl off as its pretty rooted/job only needed to make the back end look pretty etc


Stripped the head of the old tired 1600 I was running in this (and previous '78 since about 1998) to scavenge the Head/exhaust valves etc.

neat~o carbon build-up on heads and spot oil pool in centre of the block! that aint right, single valve springs and had a fresh gasket before I got it, unsure of origin, as was out of car when I bought it off a mate

Plan on rebuilding this block as a good spare (have origianl 1300 out of the '78 in shed complete as well)

twin cam chain conversion : assume cover is deeper/different and using the spare kelfor Ground Cam I have lying around [one day]



fixed this tonight

also measured REAR spring while I had it out

90mm IN

120mm OUT

280mm LONG

I also need a headlight surround, what do I ask for? can I get new? rather than hunting for a good old one

also biting bullet and sending my BW45 away when I drop this down the shop to get exhaust reattached


Doesnt look right

Bazinga : rooted bottow section/collector, plan to repair/shorten runners, make the best o what I have got

Steels > Turbos

getting ready HOPEFULLY for Whariti Hillclimb 9/10th March (was Last event I did in car 2012 as well)


Some extra history on this car via

Quote from: NZ Rallying History facebook page Trevor Weir

Built by Miles Fowler in Wellington, updated from standard GL body shell to Series 7 Chrysler just before I bought it in the mid 1980's. Used in many club level events then sold to Andrew Elder in the Hawkes Bay. Rolled at Salisbury Rd hillclimb and reshelled into a GLS shell. Andrew sold it back to Peter Weir as his first rally car. This has done soooooo many events and is a bit like Grandad's axe !!


out with the old, in with the older

raise front bit for clearance, stop zaust/sump from bottoming out, might put pinks in Red cr

new bolts thru mounts


decided to cut/use headers over cast item

short story is its in someone else's shed : he wanted to buy it I said no, but do wht you want with it and make me smile

plan is to cut the S7 dash out, update it, use it

aslo found this pic from the 70's in boo, think its the 1500 I have out back


went hunting for my log book (kind required for events

found the specs on the cam currently in it


cut & refreshed extractors



video with me in passenger seat from Yesterday's event

[cant embed videos here?]

VV Discuss Link Below in Sig VV


Video of the strobes fitted to the 'Racecer'

got it back from me mate in working order, might do some things this year (and replace the light with a spare one from "Red" who has two brand new 5.5" Hella lights fitted (I lost the chrome surround up Wharit last time it was out / I competed in it (2012 ish?

needs new belts to compete, & some suspesnion work done (is twitchy) before we go anywhere


long time since updates here!

Took the ol'girl our for some dirt-drags last year & lost 2x forward speeds

3rd & 4th decided to not provide any thrust, not to worr ythey wernt really needed on the mostly grass track anyway, max wheel spin etc

anyway spend a few hours today getting the box out today, not a major job

Unbolt Driveshaft, bout 6 bolts around Bellhousing, clutch & speedo Cable & some shimmying it pops out

gave it a clean & degrease then had a look inside

I was expecting ground gears & metal filings etc

then found these in the oil

and thats their home in the background, not the socket I used to move the selector fork

so dreams of 5 speeds will be on hold for now, seal her back up, refit & fill and drive it some more!

and a couple of random (standard) markings

ROOTES 71981165-2


Gearbox is from my original '78 1300


Not much action here for ages :

So I got her to the shop hoist for a check over & Fluid topup (gearbox mainly)

unfortunately (or fortunately) found some structural weakness in the front so waiting a report from a Engineer in the morning t osee what next step is


Not much happening on the old girl, slowly Rusting away sadly, so today was Rally car Day @ Tui Brewery So got this off the Lawn :

She started right up & had to hunt for a set of nuts to bolt the steelies wearing "Sherpa's" back on to complete the Time period correct look, the tires took some encouragement to hold air & semi-fixed the strobe lights (one wasn't responding)
1st to register (of the 3 cars that turned up Sadly)

Tui‎ Mangatainoka Motors Rally Car Day
First to register for the day, Jared Mulinder with his 2 4 1 meal voucher! Early bird gets the worm!!</blockquote>and won "Most Original" Rally car of the day, couple of Doz of the Amber Fluid & a certificate
yeah was lowering the tone a tad & here's the other beauties that turned up

I plan on clearing a space in my workshop & keeping in dry storage as we've reduced production & staff to just me currently