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Jokers evolving Rally Avenger

Started by JoKer, January 14, 2011, 08:23:51 PM


another Fb vid : let me know if you cant view!

What I looked/sounded like from the outside on the start line



= Sad Joker

so not happy right now and I didn't even do it!

farkin flatmate shifting cars doing me a 'favour' mowing lawns...


"new" fun car while the other is out of action

1300 Series 7, credit to Kiera who was hoping for light switches, tails are in the back seat with the grill, was brown OEM

not sure what plans are currently :P





Exhaust errors (squashed bottom two and kinda broke it off causing shoe melting heat inside the cabin)

Sump error : Peter has a sump guard he wants to sell me, removed all bolts tonight and ready to swap over after I find/clean a spare

Unhappy cross member to boot

still no word from Insurance, will hassle this week more images of the damage

Also drove the S7/'80 round the block, speedo/rev counter no-go (suspect similar story with fuel gauge), weird having retractable seatbelts! no rad fan, and plugged tail lights back in but reckon they don't work either, dash lights all work

thinking seriously bout taking it for a WOF if I can get the basics sorted, has only been off road for 3 years, might check see if my friendly wof man can tell me what it failed on if it was recorded at the time

Sunday is playing with cars day! sorting suspension knock on Subby before tackling Rally car underside


boring Insurance update : Rang Agent left a message seeing where we are at etc.

get call from a bloke called Terry in Auck's he's sending a guy called Alan from Hastings to do an assessment/grab a statement from me etc.

Agent is with Star Insurance according to his Voice-mail, via Aon I thought it was called Classic Car but whatever... maybe not a good idea to have the spare S7 on the property when he calls LOL


Hr long interview with Investigator today, having viewed the car, sounds like "they" are still talking write;off but he is baffled as much as I am considering the facts

so looking positive

in other news

should have possession of these on weekend!


haters gunna hate



Just had call from Insurance.....

repair APPROVED, today is a good day :P


whilst waiting for Rally car to go in Shop next tues : Avenga has posted a '76 in the trademe thread

have onsold the Series 7 in hope of acquiring said '76 by the weekend possibly for SeedyAl's Picnic on Saturday :P


Picture-less update

Scored some 13x7 deep dish Hotwires to match the Daily (or for younguns Chrylser)

Panel work should have styarted today, hope to pop head in and get a happy snap of a gaping hole tomorrow

and a Lil birdy has informed me an Insurance Inspector called in on Fri after I left for Bike Summit, reckons they found an image of my car in trees LOL

if they do I'd like a copy!


have viewed Tail light and expect rear quarter to arrive on truck today/tomorrw with hopefully some action by Fri!



he's got a guy away this week, might be done next week :D


installed! missed the hacking session

should have it back next week :P